Human Resources
Come Join AMP.
It is our faith that each individual is talented, so come join AMP for probing the world at the diverse perspectives unseen in the past. AMP gives you a better you without fail.
Pre-service training
A sound pre-service training session arranged for fast inclusion in AMP including how AMP is run, the duties to be done, advancement of fundamental capabilities, collaborative directives of senior colleagues, etc. makes each new comer accommodate to the new surroundings soon. Come join us and find a beautiful future in here.
In-service training
Each employee is valued much, so a series of courses such as book-related seminars and product-related basic concepts and advanced sessions are available for advanced professional knowhow and performance. AMP is glad to offer work hours to any staff in need of further professional techniques. Your dream will be supported by AMP.
Licenses / Certificates
Theory in combination with practice is valued, so AMP initiates each employee to receive certificates via our courses and equipment to raise the individual occupational competitiveness.
Voices of the AMP crew Sharing
- Constant innovation, challenges of new matters and never giving up on anything make me find a new me in AMP.
- This is a workplace that brings out your profession and dedication. AMP committed to sustainable administration is glad to build a stage for each of you.
We are Family
- AMP manages a fine workplace as if a family where joys, fights, smiles and reciprocal helps take place.
- We are a sweet nice and warm family that brings promising tomorrows for you.

Join us to change the world
if you are brave enough.
if you are brave enough.
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